Monday 30 September 2019

How Your Closet Can Make You More Efficient and Productive

The biggest problem that many people have in the morning is getting everything done in time. The hunt for the right outfit and accessories, and don’t forget the shoes, can be something difficult and frustrating. A closet that is not well organized will slow you down, cause you to be late ,and keep you from getting things done.

Out With the Old

One of the biggest contributors to a messy closet that steals your time and patience is having too many clothes that you don’t wear. For many, the 80/20 rule is followed. That means that 20% of your clothing is worn 80% of the time. So, what happens to all of the things you don’t want to wear or wear very rarely? They block your access to the things you do want to wear. The first step in getting better organized is to get rid of everything you haven’t worn in the last year or two. If you really liked these items, you would have worn them.

Great example of a well organized custom closet.

New Storage Strategies

When you have thinned out your clothing and accessories, you will be left with a lot more space in your closet. However, unless it is well organized, it can soon become the disorganized place it was before. Getting custom closet storage installed can make a huge difference in how your closet looks and how easy it is to access everything. Shelving, drawers, hanging rods, shoe racks and other helpful fixtures can keep things so well organized that it’s actually fun to go to your closet in the morning and see it neat and full of the items you love. 

When your closet is  tidy, you can group your clothing in any way you choose, such as grouping work wear and leisure wear in separate areas. Just make sure to keep getting rid of things you aren’t wearing, and you can keep your closet elegant and efficient for life.



Wednesday 25 September 2019

Custom Closets Can Help You Tame Your Clutter Chaos

Image of an organized, custom closet.
An organized closet can reduce stress and help to declutter your life.

De-Stress Your Life with Custom Closets

There are many things that can lead to chaos and stress in our lives, but one of the hidden culprits for many people is the cutter that has taken over their lives.  We live in a world of excess and it is easy for our lives and our homes to be cluttered with stuff; this can often lead to an increase in stress. Today, we will talk about how a custom-made closet can help tame clutter in your home and bring back a little more of your sanity. Here are three ways a custom closet system can help:

1. Create custom shelving and storage options that fit personal needs.

Custom closet designs allow you design your space with as many shelves as you need. Long or short, many or just a few, whatever you need to organize your possessions, we can help you design a custom closet to hold all of your things. Our custom shelving and storage can be used to organize clothes, shoes, tools, equipment, craft supplies, or whatever else you may have laying around the house. Adding in custom shelves to your closet can be a great way to fight the clutter chaos in your life.

2. Maximizes the use of any and all available closet area.

One problem many people have is they cannot maximize the full area that their closets provide. In an open closet the biggest issue people face is that they are forced to simply stack boxes and tubs on top of each other, essentially burying items under towers of boxes. This is not convenient at all, so custom closest allow you to add shelves, nooks, hanging racks, hooks, and hanging storage to maximize your available closet space. A simple step, but it can change how you utilize your closet forever!

3. Helps everything flow together and match in style and decor.

The final way a customized closet system can help you gain control over your life and reduce the amount of stress and chaos you experience day to day is that it allows you to be in control of your home. You do not have to just deal with your closet the way it is. If you do not like it you can work on a custom system to make it into a closet you love and can actually use. You can make it match your home and fit any décor or other custom pieces of furniture you may have in the room already.

To learn more about how a custom closet system can help you tame your clutter chaos, contact Louisiana Custom Closets today!
